GIGA Research Centre

Post-doctoral position molecular cancer biology

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Topic: tRNA Epitranscriptomics, mRNA translation, cancer heterogeneity and tumor immunity.

Background: A post-doctoral position is available at the GIGA-Research Institute of the University of Liege ( Our lab uncovered the importance of wobble tRNA modifications in the reprogramming of mRNA translation that supports tumor development and phenotype switching in cancer. Our work has strongly contributed to highlighting the reprogramming of mRNA translation as a central mechanism driving the adaptation of tumor cells during cancer progression and response to therapy. Our lab focuses on the importance of tRNA modifications and specific mRNA translation reprogramming as a driver of cancer heterogeneity and interaction with tumor immune microenvironment.

The candidate will conduct post-doctoral research in an international and competitive environment in molecular cancer biology – mRNA translation & epitranscriptomics using in vivo models and patient-derived material. The proposed project is part of a collaborative international network and is founded by prestigious grants.

Selected publications:

El Hachem et al, Nat. Cell Biol. (2024; in press) 
Close et al, Nature (2012) 
Rapino et al, Nature Comm. (2021)                        
Close et al, J. Biol. Chem. (2012)
Rapino et al, Nature (2018) 
Close et al, Cell.Mol.LifeSc. (2010) 
Rapino et al, Trends in Cancer (2017)        
Close et al, Mol Cell (2006) 
Delaunay et al, J.Exp.Med. (2016)
Ladang et al, J.Exp.Med. (2015)

Qualifications and requirements:

Education: PhD in Biomedical Sciences, Biochemistry or equivalent. The ideal candidate should have a strong background in immuno-oncology and molecular cancer biology, with interest in cancer immunology and published evidence of aptitude for high quality research. Experience working with animals is appreciated.

Requirements: talented, highly motivated and determined to work in a competitive field of research, excellent communication and organizational skills, able to work independently and as part of a team.


Please send a cover letter describing your interests in biomedical research, your curriculum vitae with a full list of scientific publications, and at least two references to:

Pr. Pierre Close
Lab of Cancer Signaling (Close Lab) GIGA-Research Institute
University of Liege, Belgium

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Sallitut tiedostotyypit: PDF, DOC, DOCX, TXT, RTF
Sallitut tiedostotyypit: PDF, DOC, DOCX, TXT, RTF

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Lisätietoa työpaikasta

Post-doctoral position molecular cancer biology
CHU - B34, Quartier Hôpital Avenue de l'Hôpital Rocourt, Belgia
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