Karolinska Institutet

Postdoctoral researcher in chromosome organization and dynamics

2024-08-15 (Europe/Stockholm)
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Do you want to contribute to top quality medical research?

Do you want to contribute to top quality medical research? Join the lab of Camilla Björkegren at the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, to study molecular mechanisms that protect against disease-related chromosomal aberrations.

The Department of Cell and Molecular Biology (CMB) i is a department with strong focus on basic science. CMB conducts research and education in cell biology, molecular biology, developmental biology, stem cell biology, cancer, and infection biology. CMB is found in Biomedicum, an interdisciplinary research center designed to concentrate much of the experimental research conducted at Karolinska Institutet Campus Solna.

Description of the research group:

The Björkegren lab aims to reveal fundamental molecular mechanisms that are essential for chromosome organization, dynamics, and function. The group focuses their research on the family of SMC protein complexes that controls most chromosomal processes, including chromosome 3D organization, repair and segregation. Combining investigations of in vivo models with biochemical analysis, the Björkegren team unravels the function of the Smc5/6 complex, required for genome stability, viral restriction, and organism development. Currently, the group investigates a recently discovered connection between SMC complexes, chromosome 3D organization, and transcription-induced changes in the DNA helix, so called DNA supercoiling.

Your mission

You will investigate the interplay between chromosome organization and function, focusing on SMC complexes and their connection to DNA supercoiling. Depending on competence and preference, you will take an in vivo approach performing diverse functional analyses and genome-wide investigations, and/or perform biochemical analysis of various variants of purified SMC complexes and topoisomerase enzymes.

The successful candidate will be part of an international, interactive, and multidisciplinary team with expertise in biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, and bioinformatics.

Your profile

We are seeking an ambitious scientist with a background in molecular biology and/or biochemistry. Experience from the chromosome organization and stability field, genome-wide analyses of chromosome organization and/or bioinformatics is considered as an advantage.

To be eligible for employment as a postdoctor a doctoral degree or a foreign degree deemed to be equivalent to a doctoral degree is required. This eligibility requirement must be fulfilled at the latest at the time of the employment decision. It is considered as an advantage if you have completed your doctoral degree within the last three years, if there are special reasons, your degree may have been completed earlier.

What do we offer?

A creative and inspiring environment with wide-ranging expertise and interests. Karolinska Institutet is one of the world's leading medical universities. At Karolinska Institutet, we conduct successful medical research and hold the largest range of medical education in Sweden. At KI, you get to meet researchers working with a wide range of specialisms and methods, giving you ample opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience with the various scientific fields within medicine and health. It is the crossover collaborations, which have pushed KI to where it is today, at the forefront of global research. Several of the people you meet in healthcare are educated at KI. A close relationship with the health care providers is important for creating groundbreaking top quality education and research. Karolinska Institutet is also a state university, which entitles you to several benefits through our collective agreement.

Location: Solna

Department of Cell and Molecular Biology | Karolinska Institutet (ki.se)

The SMC complexes, chromosome dynamics and stability – Camilla Björkegren's Group | Karolinska Institutet (ki.se)

Camilla Björkegren | Karolinska Institutet (ki.se)

--- [Video about a Karolinska Institutet, how we work towards "a better health for all"] --


An employment application must contain the following documents in English or Swedish:

  • A complete resumé, including date of the thesis defence, title of the thesis, previous academic positions, academic title, current position, academic distinctions, and committee work
  • A complete list of publications
  • A summary of current work (no more than one page)
  • A letter of motivation (no more than one page)

Welcome to apply.

The application is to be submitted through the Varbi recruitment system.

Want to make a difference? Join us and contribute to better health for all

Type of employment: Temporary position
Contract type: Full time
First day of employment: Upon agreement
Salary: Monthly salary
Number of positions: 1
Full-time equivalent: 100%
City: Stockholm
County: Stockholms län
Country: Sweden
Reference number: STÖD 2-2145/2024
  1. Prof. Camilla Björkegren, camilla.bjorkegren@ki.se
Union representative:
  1. Shahla Rostami, OFR, shahla.rostami@ki.se
  2. Björn Andersson, SACO, bjorn.andersson@ki.se
  3. Elisabeth Valenzuela, SEKO, elisabeth.valenzuela@ki.se
Published: 2024-05-31
Last application date: 2024-08-15

Lisätietoa työpaikasta

Postdoctoral researcher in chromosome organization and dynamics
Nobels väg 6 Tukholma, Ruotsi
Viimeinen hakupäivä
2024-08-15 23:59 (Europe/Stockholm)
2024-08-15 23:59 (CET)
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Karolinska Institutet's mission is to contribute to the improvement of human health through research and education.

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