Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden (IPF)

Postdoc/junior research group leader (No: 146-24)

Tallenna työpaikka

The Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e. V. (IPF) develops innovations in materials science for the fields of resources, health and information. The IPF employs about 500 people in five scientific institutes, administration and technical services. New topics and methods are increasingly explored in flexible research structures such as independent junior groups.
The IPF is certified as a family-friendly employer according to the Audit berufundfamilie®. Further information can be found at www.ipfdd.de.

Postdoc/junior research group leader (No: 146-24)

We are looking for a highly motivated postdoc/junior research group leader (m/f/d) in the field of sustainable polymer chemistry with 40 hours per week.

In the IPF Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry (IMC) competences in polymer synthesis and characterization of structural and functional polymer architectures are combined addressing applications, e.g., in optoelectronics, biomedicine and biotechnology, microfluidics, energy applications but also in technical performance applications. IMC is planning to expand ist synthetic activities in sustainability of polymers and thus, it will fill a postdoc/junior group leader position.
Focus of the research of the applicants should be in the field of synthetic polymer chemistry and synthesis of novel building blocks and polymer architectures addressing any of the following fields:

Job description:

  • Sustainable performance polymers (step-growth and/or chain-growth polymerization), e.g. from renewable resources, (bio)degradable or easily recyclable materials
  • Polymeric materials with non-covalent and/or dynamic bondings, e.g. addressing recycling-on-demand, self-healing, self-repairing properties,
  • Polymeric materials in circular economy covering e.g. sustainable polymer synthesis and polymer modification methods, sustainable fillers and additives, life-cycle-analysis.


  • PhD in polymer chemistry or similar
  • experience in the field of sustainable polymer chemistry
  • publication record in the field and successful acquisition of funding are preferred
  • The candidate should briefly outline the research experience and should present a proposal of a research topic he/she would like to pursue in the field of sustainable polymer chemistry.

Soft Skills:

  • fluent in spoken and written English

Postdoctoral researchers with very good scientific track record in one of these research fields are invited to present proposals for research projects to be implemented into IPF activities. It is expected that the proposed topic will allow to successfully acquiring public research funding from national and European funding agencies to build up an independent research group. The postdocs or junior research group leader will become part of an internationally visible, well-equipped, interdisciplinary and dynamic institute with close ties to the Excellence University TU Dresden (www.tu-dresden.de) and other outstanding research institutions within DRESDEN concept.

We offer you a varied and interesting challenge in an international working environment and an appropriate salary. The salary and social benefits (including a company pension scheme, job ticket, flexible family-friendly working hours and job-related training) are based on the collective agreement for the public service of the federal states (EG 13 TV-L), depending on qualifications.

The advertised position can also be fillled on a part-time basis.

The IPF Dresden strives for gender equality and diversity in all fields. Applications by people with severe disabilities will be given preference if they are equally qualified. Moreover, as the IPF would like to raise the proportion of women in fields where they are underrepresented, women in particular are invited to apply. The personal data collected by the IPF relating to your application, as well as the evaluation thereof shall be processed exclusively for purposes of the application process on the basis of contractual measures under Art. 6 (1b) GDPR. These data shall not be transferred to third parties. Recipients shall comprise the employees responsible, the Works Council as well as, where applicable, the representative body for disabled employees and the equal opportunities officers of the IPF. Your application details provided to us shall be deleted by us 6 months after the end of the application process, i.e. either after the job advertised has been filled, or after we have decided not to fill the vacancy after all. For questions under data protection law and for exercising your rights, please contact: datenschutz@ipfdd.de (data protection officer). You have the right to complain to the supervisory authority. Expenses for the interview participation will not be refunds.

Date of entry


Time limit

2 years


For further information please contact:

Prof. Voit (0351/4658 591).

Lisätietoa työpaikasta

Postdoc/junior research group leader (No: 146-24)
Hohe Str. 6 Dresden, Saksa
Viimeinen hakupäivä
Työpaikan tyyppi
Tallenna työpaikka

Tietoja työnantajasta

The Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden (IPF) is one of the largest polymer research facilities in Germany.

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