Örebro University

Associate senior lecturer in Environmental Science

2024-08-05 (Europe/Stockholm)
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Reference number ORU 2.1.1-03294/2024

We are looking for an associate senior lecturer in Environmental Science, specialising in agroecology, for a fixed-term position of 4‑6 years at the School of Science and Technology.

Subject area

The subject area for this position is: Environmental Science, with a specialisation in agroecology or sustainable food systems.


The research division for Natural Sciences at Örebro University is developing and expanding and this post offers an exciting opportunity, for the right candidate, to be part of this. The division offers Bachelor's degree programmes in chemistry, biology, and environmental science, with the latter focusing on sustainable food systems, and two Master’s degree programmes in chemistry.

We are looking to recruit an associate senior lecturer to join our team and help further strengthen and develop research and teaching within environmental science. The successful applicant will develop research and teaching within the research division for natural sciences, with a particular focus on the areas agroecology, agroforestry, ecology, and sustainable food systems.

Duties and responsibilities

Duties and responsibilities include research, teaching, and collaborative work. The appointment as an associate senior lecturer at Örebro University is mainly focused on the acquisition of research qualifications, with a smaller proportion of time being geared towards acquiring teaching qualifications. The successful applicant is expected to spend 70 % of full time on research and 30 % on teaching.

During the period of employment, an associate senior lecturer should develop their autonomy as a researcher and acquire further qualifications in terms of both research and teaching skills, in order to meet the necessary criteria for a position as a senior lecturer. An associate senior lecturer is also expected to contribute to the university’s development. This could include contributing to the development and management of new courses and programs, particularly regarding agroecology and sustainable food systems/production.

Teaching duties may include courses in ecology, agroecology, food production and sustainable food systems.

Research duties will include contributing to research funding applications and participating in ongoing projects as well as independent research within the field of agroecology, agroforestry, sustainable food systems or similar areas related to sustainable food production.


To qualify for the appointment as an associate senior lecturer you must have a doctoral degree, or have attained the corresponding research competence, in a subject that is directly relevant to this position. Priority will be given to those who were awarded a doctoral degree or attained equivalent research competence no more than five years prior to the application deadline. Applicants who were awarded their doctoral degree prior to that will also be considered in the event of special circumstances. Such circumstances include, but are not limited to, leave of absence due to illness and parental leave.

Applicants should have a doctoral degree in biology, environmental science or a closely related subject, with experience in ecology, agroecology, agroforestry or sustainable food systems from a natural science perspective.

Assessment criteria

When appointing an associate senior lecturer, the applicant’s research as well as teaching expertise will be assessed as will their qualifications and their experience gained from collaborations both within higher education and outside of it, in the wider community. Experience gained from national and international travel will also be considered. In addition, the applicant’s suitability for the position will be assessed.

Research expertise

Research expertise is demonstrated through independent research contributions, particularly in fields relating to the duties and responsibilities of the advertised role, as well as continued scientific publishing following the award of the doctoral degree. Being established in the research community, having experience of planning, administrating and independent research, will also all add merit to an application, as will experience in societal transformative changes or sustainable development within the food system sector. Assessed is also applicants’ ability to conduct research autonomously and the ability to develop and lead their own research. The applicant is expected to confirm their intention to engage in future research activities.

Teaching expertise

Teaching expertise is to be assessed in terms of teaching qualifications and experience, which must be well-documented and accounted for, in compliance with Örebro University’s template for teaching portfolios, relating clearly to the values set out in Örebro University’s educational philosophy. The fact that applicants who have recently obtained their doctoral degree may only be able to demonstrate limited teaching expertise should be particularly considered in the assessment.

Teaching qualifications includes documented experience, planning, execution of, and evaluation of teaching activities, as well as supervision and examination. Applicants must be able to account for their teaching approach and reflect on their own pedagogical development as well as on the teacher’s role. Experience of developing courses and course material in agroecology, agroforestry, ecology, or sustainable food systems is desirable. Having the ability to maintain a scientific approach in teaching and connecting research to teaching is important.

Collaboration and public engagement skills

The ability to interact with the surrounding society is an important part of a university teacher’s role and it requires a good understanding of various societal processes and the impact of university activities on these. Assessment of collaboration and public engagement skills looks at three aspects: the ability to communicate, the ability to collaborate with the surrounding society, and the ability to facilitate utilisation of the university’s research.

Leadership skills

In assessing leadership and administrative skills, particular consideration should be given to leadership qualifications within education and research, such as contributions to development work. Depending on the specialisation and duties of the appointment, qualifications from operations outside of the higher education sector may be considered. The fact that applicants who have recently obtained their doctoral degree may only be able to demonstrate limited leadership skills should be particularly considered in the assessment.


Suitability refers to the applicant having the personal qualities required to successfully perform the duties and responsibilities at hand, to cooperate with other members of staff, and to contribute to the development of the operations in question. The applicant shall also have an interest in development work and the ability and desire to embark on an academic career.

Other assessment criteria

Having experience in applying for and obtaining external research funding, in particular in collaboration with industry, is desirable.

Language skills in Swedish (good) and English (excellent) are requirements, as teaching may be required in either language.

Promotion to senior lecturer

In accordance with Örebro University’s appointment procedures, an associate senior lecturer is to be promoted to senior lecturer if they apply and are qualified for the appointment.

On the examination of an application for promotion to senior lecturer, teaching and research expertise are to be given equal attention. The applicant must have completed qualifying courses in teaching and learning within higher education that meet the criteria required for eligibility as senior lecturer. They must also demonstrate oral and written communication skills in Swedish that are at the level required to undertake frequent duties within research, education, and administration.

The application for promotion to a position as senior lecturer is to be submitted no later than six months before the employment as an associate senior lecturer comes to an end. Such a promotion entails a permanent position as senior lecturer.


This is a fixed-term full-time position for a period of 4-6 years (the exact length will be decided in connection with the appointment). The appointment may be extended, but for no longer than two years, if additional time is needed to fulfil the purpose of the appointment. This may be due to illness, parental leave or other special grounds. At Örebro University, salary depends on the successful candidate’s qualifications and experience.

For more information about the position, please contact the Head of unit, Associate Professor Ingrid Ericson Jogsten (+46 19 30 12 09, email: ingrid.ericson@oru.se) or deputy Head of School, Senior Lecturer Niklas Eriksen (+46 19 30 33 61, email: niklas.eriksen@oru.se).

At Örebro University, we expect each member of staff to be open to development and change; take responsibility for their work and performance; demonstrate a keen interest in collaboration and contribute to development; as well as to show respect for others by adopting a constructive and professional approach.

Örebro University actively pursues equal opportunities and gender equality as well as a work environment characterised by openness, trust, and respect. We value the qualities that diversity adds to our operations.


The application is made online. Click the button “Apply” to begin the application procedure.

For the application to be complete, the following electronic documents must be included:

  • Covering letter, outlining how you believe you can contribute to the continued development of Örebro University
  • CV with a relevant description of your overall qualifications and experience
  • Teaching portfolio (as instructed in Örebro University’s guidelines)
  • Research portfolio
  • Publication list
  • Relevant scientific publications (maximum of 10 and in full-text format)
  • Copies of relevant course/degree certificates and references verifying eligibility and criteria met

Only documents written in Swedish, English, Norwegian and Danish can be reviewed.
More information for applicants will be found at out career site: https://www.oru.se/english/working-at-orebro-university/jobs-and-vacancies/applicants-and-external-experts/

The application deadline is 2024-08-05. We look forward to receiving your application!

After the application deadline, documents can no longer be submitted electronically. If you have scientific publications that cannot be attached electronically to the application, you will, once the external experts have been appointed, receive instructions on how these can be submitted.

We decline any contact with advertisers or recruitment agencies in the recruitment process.

As directed by the National Archives of Sweden (Riksarkivet), we are required to deposit one file copy of the application documents, excluding publications, for a period of two years after the appointment decision has gained legal force.

Lisätietoa työpaikasta

Associate senior lecturer in Environmental Science
Fakultetsgatan 1 Örebro, Ruotsi
Viimeinen hakupäivä
2024-08-05 23:59 (Europe/Stockholm)
2024-08-05 23:59 (CET)
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