Valitse alueesi

Valitse alue, joka parhaiten vastaa sijaintiasi tai mieltymyksiäsi.

Valitse sivuston kieli

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Valitse kielet työpaikkailmoituksille

Valitse kielet työpaikkailmoituksille, jotka haluat nähdä. Tämä asetus määrittää, mitkä työpaikkailmoitukset näytetään sinulle.

Silicon Austria Labs (SAL)

Master Thesis – Low temperature spectroscopy of SiC defects (all genders) // Job-ID: 157-0

Tallenna työpaikka

Your future responsibilities

This master thesis focuses on the characterization of defects in a Silicon Carbide Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor. For this purpose, an optical experiment shall be set up to measure fluorescence from SiC-chips after laser excitation at cryogenic temperatures in a closed cycle He-cryostat. The work will involve working in a class-4 laser laboratory to set up the experiment and, subsequently, perform the measurements, first at room temperature and then in the cryostat. 

Your responsibilities will involve the following activities:

  • Setting up of the experiment in the optical laboratory
  • Working with fs-lasers and a He-cryostat 
  • Perform the experiments
  • Data analysis and presentation of results

Your profile

  • Master student (enrolled in EU-University) in Physics, Optics, Electrical Engineering or similar fields.
  • Self-organized and target-oriented working style
  • Experience with electronic laboratory equipment (e.g., oscilloscope)
  • Knowledge about optical measurements, and semiconductors
  • Experience in data processing and evaluation
  • Good oral and written English skills

Important Facts about SAL

  • Diversified research activities with plenty of technical challenges. 
  • State-of-the-art lab facilities and instruments. 
  • Internal and external training opportunities for further development. 
  • Home Office possible. 
  • € 4 per day food allowance in restaurants or € 2 per day in supermarkets. 
  • Family & kids friendly. 
  • Free coffee/milk/tea & fresh fruits. 

This position is subject to the Collective Agreement for employees in non-university research (Research CA).  For this position, we offer a monthly gross salary of EUR 1.863, paid 14 times a year.

Lisätietoa työpaikasta

Master Thesis – Low temperature spectroscopy of SiC defects (all genders) // Job-ID: 157-0
Europas­traße 12 Villach, Itävalta
Viimeinen hakupäivä
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Tallenna työpaikka

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