Universität Hamburg

Research Associate for the Project “BASS” Subproject 2.2, “Momentum and Energy Fluxes in the Presence of Surfactants” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

2024-07-31 (Europe/Berlin)
Tallenna työpaikka

Institution: Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Department of Earth System Sciences, Institute of Oceanography
Salary level: EGR. 13 TV-L
Start date: 01.10.2024, fixed until 30.09.2026 (This is a fixed-term contract in accordance with Section 2 of the academic fixed-term labor contract act [Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz, WissZeitVG]).
Application deadline: 2024-07-31
Scope of work: part-time
Weekly hours: 65 % of standard work hours per week

Your responsibilities

Duties include academic services in the project named above. Research associates may also pursue independent research and further academic qualifications.

The research associate will investigate small-scale physical dynamics at the air-water interface and physics of wind-wave interactions, as part of the research group “Biogeochemical processes and Air-sea exchange in the Sea-Surface microlayer (BASS)” funded by the German Research Foundation. The overall goal of BASS is to investigate the importance of the sea-surface microlayer (SML) as a biogeo- and photochemical reactor, and how its reactivity affects ocean-atmosphere interactions. Eight subprojects are collaborating in joint laboratory and field campaigns, among which are dedicated experiments at Universität Hamburg’s wind-wave tank. BASS combines interdisciplinary expertise, advanced technologies for millimeter-scale observations, core infrastructures for controlled experiments, and state-of-the-art analytical facilities at the molecular levels.

The specific goal of Subproject 2.2, “Momentum and energy fluxes in the presence of surfactants”, is to understand the complex, small- scale feedback mechanisms between wind, waves, and sea-surface monolayers, to allow improved analyses of other mechanisms driving fluxes and exchange processes across the SML. In order to achieve this goal, a unique, novel, wind-wave-surfactant measurement system has been developed for the wind-wave tank, with the ability of measuring simultaneously coupled air-water boundary layer dynamics, the evolution of millimeter-scale surface roughness features, and the influence of surfactants thereon. The system comprises a unique combination of state-of-the-art video, laser, digital imaging, and radar technologies, capable of being combined with a Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) system at the wind-wave tank and with other SML measurement systems of BASS partners, and having the potential to provide measurements in more complex conditions in a planned second phase of BASS.

The successful applicant will actively participate in experimental campaigns at the University’s wind-wave tank facility, deploying video, laser, wire gauge, and radar sensors. She/he will finalize the design and construction of a state-of-the-art color imaging slope sensor, organize and perform its calibration, and perform wave measurements at a wide range of experimental conditions, including different wind speeds, mechanically generated waves, and surfactants of different concentration and visco-elastic properties. She/he will independently prepare, organize, and conduct dedicated experiments to meet the goals of Subproject 2.2, and will be responsible for the data analyses and the dissemination of the achieved results.

Information on Universität Hamburg’s wind-wave tank can be found at https://wiki.cen.uni-hamburg.de/ifm/KFEW3O/WWK, and on BASS’ Subproject 2.2 at https://wiki.cen.uni-hamburg.de/ifm/KFEW3O/WWKBASS

Your prole

A university degree in a relevant field.

  • University degree in physics, physical oceanography, or a related field
  • basic knowledge of air-sea interactions, the growth of wind waves and their damping by surfactants
  • practical skills
  • experience in laboratory experiments
  • ability and willingness to perform laboratory research in an international team
  • programming skills (e.g. Python, Matlab, Labview)

We offer

  • Reliable remuneration based on wage agreements                                             
  • Continuing education opportunities                                                    
  • University pensions
  • Attractive location                                            
  • Flexible working hours                                                               
  • Work-life balance opportunities
  • Health management                                          
  • Educational leave                                             
  • 30 days of vacation per annum

Universität Hamburg—University of Excellence is one of the strongest research educational institutions in Germany. Our work in research, teaching, educational and knowledge exchange activities is fostering the next generation of responsible global citizens ready to tackle the global challenges facing us. Our guiding principle “Innovating and Cooperating for a Sustainable Future” drives collaboration with academic and non-academic partner institutions in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region and around the world. We would like to invite you to be part of our community to work with us in creating sustainable and digital change for a dynamic and pluralist society.

Severely disabled and disabled applicants with the same status will receive preference over equally qualified non-disabled applicants.

Instructions for applying 

Dr. Martin Gade
+49 40 42838-5450

Bundesstraße 53
20146 Hamburg Zu Google Maps

Reference number


Application deadline


Use only the online application form to submit your application with the following documents:

  • cover letter
  • CV
  • copies of degree certificate(s)

If you experience technical problems, send an email to bewerbungen@uni-hamburg.de. More information on data protection in selection procedures.

Lisätietoa työpaikasta

Research Associate for the Project “BASS” Subproject 2.2, “Momentum and Energy Fluxes in the Presence of Surfactants” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG
Mittelweg 177 Hampuri, Saksa
Viimeinen hakupäivä
2024-07-31 23:59 (Europe/Berlin)
2024-07-31 23:59 (CET)
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