University of Campinas

Time Series, Wavelets, High Dimensional Data and Applications - POST-DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS AVAILABLE

2024-10-31 (America/Sao Paulo)
Tallenna työpaikka

The Project FAPESP 2023/02538-0, Time Series, Wavelets, High Dimensional Data and Applications, is selecting researchers for investigation in the topics below.

AREA: Statistics


  • Bayesian modeling of multi-variate integer-valued autoregressive processes 
  • Robust volatility estimation for high-dimensional data
  • Selective inference for high-dimensional data
  • Shape-preserving copula estimation
  • Variational inference for clustering and variable selection in functional regression


DURATION: 24 months (renewable)


MORE INFORMATION : and links therein.

YEARLY STIPENDS: R$144,000.00 (approximately US$26,000) - tax-free


OTHER BENEFITS: Travel and Expenses Grant plus round-trip tickets and moving expenses (see rules at

We seek doctors in Statistics (or related areas) with strong research potential to develop supervised work on the aforementioned topics. It is desirable that the candidates have proven experience in data analysis and computer skills. The selected researchers will work in São Paulo or Campinas under the supervision of one of the Principal Investigators.

Interested candidates should apply to The application email should contain the following:

  1.  A letter (two-page pdf file) briefly describing the candidate’s background, and the reasons why they feel they are suitable for the proposed task.
  2.  Candidate’s CV (pdf file).
  3. PhD dissertation summary (pdf file).
  4. Two-page summary of published works (pdf file). 
  5.   E-mail and postal (official university or professional) addresses for two former research supervisors or course professors which are willing to write recommendation letters. 

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Sallitut tiedostotyypit: PDF
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*Hakemalla työpaikkaa verkoston sivuilla hyväksyt ehdot ja tietosuojakäytäntömme.

Lähettämällä tämän hakemuksen hyväksyt, että säilytämme henkilötietojasi palveluun liittyviä tarkoituksia varten. Arvostamme yksityisyyttäsi ja käsittelemme tietosi turvallisesti. Jos haluat tietojesi poistamisen, ota suoraan yhteyttä meihin.

Lisätietoa työpaikasta

Time Series, Wavelets, High Dimensional Data and Applications - POST-DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS AVAILABLE
Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz - Barão Geraldo Campinas, Brasilia
Viimeinen hakupäivä
2024-10-31 23:59 (America/Sao Paulo)
2024-11-01 03:59 (CET)
Työpaikan tyyppi
Tallenna työpaikka

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The university of campinas is a public university funded by the state of são paulo, brazil. Established in 1966 in the city of campinas, with the g...

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