University of Cologne

Postdoctoral Researcher in Computational Biology (f/m/x) Wiss2406-18 | Cellular Networks and Systems Biology | CECAD | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

2024-08-03 (Europe/Berlin)
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Postdoctoral Researcher in Computational Biology (f/m/x)

Cellular Networks and Systems Biology | CECAD

We are one of the largest and oldest universities in Europe and one of the most important employers in our region. Our broad range of subjects, the dynamic development of our main research areas and our central location in Cologne make us attractive for students and researchers from around the world. We offer a wide range of career opportunities in science, technology, and administration.

The research group of Andreas Beyer is offering a position for a postdoctoral researcher as part of a new collaborative research consortium on the fidelity of RNA and protein biosynthesis. We are looking for candidates with strong data analytics skills and interests in fundamental biological processes.


  • You will be closely interacting with experimental and computational researchers in an internationally competitive research consortium.
  • You will develop new data analysis methods for the integration and interpretation of molecular high-throughput data.
  • You will contribute to the fundamental understanding of how the fidelity of RNA and protein biosynthesis gets compromised and what the cellular and organismal consequences are.


  • A doctoral degree or equivalent degree in the natural sciences, e.g. bioinformatics, computational biology or computer science
  • Strong skills in data analytics and programming
  • An interest in solving molecular and cell biological riddles
  • Ability to work in a team and independently
  • Good communication skills in written and spoken English


  • A stimulating research environment in a highly motivated international team
  • A diverse working environment with equal opportunities
  • Support in balancing work and family life
  • Flexible working time models, full-time positions suitable for job sharing
  • Extensive advanced training opportunities
  • Occupational health management offers
  • Opportunity to work remotely

The University of Cologne promotes equal opportunities and diversity. Women will be considered preferentially in accordance with the Equal Opportunities Act of North Rhine-Westphalia (Landesgleichstellungsgesetz – LGG NRW). We also expressly welcome applications from all suitable candidates regardless of their gender, nationality, ethnic and social origin, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation and identity.

The position is available from 01 October 2024 on a full-time basis (39,83 hours per week). The contract is to be filled for a fixed term until 31 December 2026. If the applicant meets the relevant wage requirements and personal qualifications, the salary is based on remuneration group 13 TV-L of the pay scale for the German public sector.

Please apply online with proof of the required qualifications without a photo under: The reference number is Wiss2406-18.
The application deadline is 03 August 2024.

For further inquiries, please contact Andreas Beyer (

Lisätietoa työpaikasta

Postdoctoral Researcher in Computational Biology (f/m/x) Wiss2406-18 | Cellular Networks and Systems Biology | CECAD | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Abertus-Magnus-Platz Köln, Saksa
Viimeinen hakupäivä
2024-08-03 23:59 (Europe/Berlin)
2024-08-03 23:59 (CET)
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