
Eawag: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology

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Eawag is among the world’s leading aquatic research institutes. Its strengths and successes are based on a long-established portfolio of activities – research, education and consulting & knowledge transfer.

The combination of natural and social scientists and engineers permits a wide range of water research, across the continuum from relatively unperturbed aquatic ecosystems to fully engineered wastewater management systems.

Staff at Eawag benefit from a unique scientific environment, allowing researchers, specialists and students to pursue questions that yield new scientific insights and meet fundamental societal needs. Particular attention is paid to innovative transdisciplinary projects.

To ensure that new findings and approaches can be translated into practice as rapidly as possible, Eawag also maintains close contacts with experts from industry, government and professional associations.


Eawag is a research institute within the ETH Domain, which comprises the Federal Institutes of Technology ETH Zurich and EPF Lausanne and four research institutes –PSI, WSL, Empa and Eawag. The ETH Domain is led by the ETH Board and is attached to the Federal Department of Home Affairs.

The Eawag Directorate is responsible for strategic planning and the implementation of agreements on goals. It is supported by an Stakeholder Advisory Committee.

Eawag has twelve research departments, where innovative and high-quality research is conducted by natural and social scientists and engineers. The combination of various scientific disciplines permits an integrated approach to research on water and water bodies. Eawag’s research focuses on Aquatic Ecosystems, Urban Water Systems and Chemicals and Effects.

The support units provide infrastructure and other services for Eawag. They support the Directorate and the research departments in administrative and technical areas, as well as in communication, knowledge transfer and training.

Työnantajan sijainti

Löydä samanlaisia työnantajia

KU Leuven Leuven, Belgia 158 avointa työpaikkaa
KTH Royal Institute of Technology Ruotsi 117 avointa työpaikkaa
Ghent University Belgia 94 avointa työpaikkaa
Karolinska Institutet Ruotsi 74 avointa työpaikkaa
University of Luxembourg Luxemburg 66 avointa työpaikkaa
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