

Useita sijainteja Angers, Ranska
Aix-en-Provence, Ranska
Lyon, Ranska
Vieraile verkkosivulla

Tietoja työnantajasta

Founded in 1909 in Angers, France, ESSCA is a grande école specializing in business offering a wide portfolio of programmes and degrees in management accessible immediately after the baccalauréat or secondary school.

A member of the prestigious Conférence des Grandes Ecoles, its five-year diploma, Master in Management, has been accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education as a master’s degree.  Three areas of specialization are offered in the fourth year:  marketing, management and finance.

Groupe ESSCA School of Management

Located at eight different sites including four campuses approved for non-French-speaking students in Angers, Paris, Budapest and Shanghai, ESSCA’s international curriculum can boast of an international partner network of over 279 institutions in more than 55 countries.  It is the first post-secondary French school to have received the European EPAS accreditation for the excellence of its programs, its international scope and its strong links to the corporate world.  ESSCA was accredited by AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) in May 2014.

Groupe ESSCA, grande école de commerce

ESSCA nurtures humanistic values which place the student at the heart of their pedagogical project thus fostering their personal and holistic fulfillment and striving

ESSCA is also a number of entities and means dedicated to fundamental activities, all part of the school’s mission.

  • ESSCA Continuing Education:  a complete offer of programs and/or diplomas for directors, managers and operational teams.
  • The EU-Asia Institute: an innovative laboratory positioned in the social sciences and humanities, whose research is focused on the European integration process and EU-Asia relations.
  • ESSCA Research Lab:  ESSCA’s research laboratory composed by several research streams whose publications and findings are spread amongst different schools, students, researchers or company heads.
  • Institute for Advanced Pedagogy vocation is to develop teaching innovation within the school and facilitate professors’ integration of its findings and techniques into their own classes.
  • The Digital Marketing Institute enables the spread of ESSCA’s expertise in all things digital through its full-time and adult continuing education programs, conference and lecture cycles and consulting activities.

Työnantajan sijainti

Löydä samanlaisia työnantajia

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Ghent University Belgia 53 avointa työpaikkaa
ETH Zürich Sveitsi 48 avointa työpaikkaa
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