Valitse alue, joka parhaiten vastaa sijaintiasi tai mieltymyksiäsi.
Tämä asetus hallitsee käyttöliittymän kieltä, mukaan lukien painikkeet, valikot ja kaikki sivuston tekstit. Valitse haluamasi kieli parhaan selauskokemuksen saamiseksi.
Valitse kielet työpaikkailmoituksille, jotka haluat nähdä. Tämä asetus määrittää, mitkä työpaikkailmoitukset näytetään sinulle.
As Important Yesterday as Tomorrow: Intelligent Minds
You want to begin a course of study at the University of Freiburg? Browse our job offers? Support the university as a benefactor or sponsor? We welcome you to do so. Make a contribution to carrying on the successful history of our university.
Already a comprehensive university at its founding in 1457, the University of Freiburg still offers undergraduate and graduate studies as well as professorial qualification in all important disciplines today: the humanities, natural and engineering sciences, medicine, law, and theology. This diversity also provides an ideal environment for innovative interdisciplinary studies.
Many famous philosophers, top researchers, and Nobel laureates have taught and researched at the University of Freiburg. The university’s recent success in the “Excellence” competitions, 2007 for research and 2009 for instruction, testifies to its position as one of the leading universities of the 21st century.
More than 21,000 students from over 100 nations are matriculated in 160 degree programs at 11 faculties. More than 5,000 professors and lecturers and many other employees put in their effort every day – and experience that family friendliness, equal opportunity, and environmental protection are more than just empty phrases here.
Numerous former students as well as benefactors and sponsors intensify a culture of dynamic exchange with the city, the region, and the international scientific community.
All of these groups work to give the University of Freiburg the vitality that will continue to provide fertile ground for outstanding achievements in the future. We are always eager to welcome more intelligent minds to our university.