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Karlstad University

Karlstad University

We challenge the known and explore the unknown.
About Karlstad University

Karlstad University is founded on research, education and cooperation. Through involving the community in knowledge development, Karlstad University contributes to the regional, national and international development of research and education aimed at enhancing sustainability, democracy and health. Our creative academic environments are characterised by curiosity, courage and persistence. By taking a critical approach, we safeguard the scholarly and artistic foundations of our operations. Karlstad University is characterised by a welcoming environment and trust. We always promote democratic values, equality and diversity.

Karlstad University is one of the largest regional employers with 1,400 employees. Approximately 19,000 students are enrolled at our two inspiring campuses in Karlstad and Arvika or choose to study online or at one of the learning centres around the country.


Competent, inspiring teachers who challenge our students are our greatest asset. In order to highlight teaching expertise and to create clear career paths, Karlstad University has introduced a qualification model allowing teachers to apply to be formally acknowledged as recognised/distinguished university teachers. A merit-based salary increment is also paid to recognised teachers. Another teaching strength is close ties to research – our researchers also teach. The university’s Centre for Teaching and Learning (UPE) provides active professional support in enhancing the quality of teaching and assessment formats.

We conduct excellent research that contributes new knowledge. Our research profiles are clear and well known. Basic research occupies a central position and there is a strong tradition of working in multidisciplinary and applied research centres. Teachers are also active researchers and thus provide new perspectives in our courses and programmes. Our extensive doctoral programmes are well integrated into the university’s research environments. See more about our research via video here.

Faculties and Departments

Karlstad University has two faculties for education and research, comprising a number of disciplines organised in departments. There is also an office and a governing body for teacher education.


The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences is the university’s largest faculty with more than 650 employees and doctoral students who welcome and educate more than 14,500 students. The faculty’s activities are organised in seven departments and an administrative unit. The faculty also includes Karlstad Business School and Ingesund School of Music. In addition, there are several research group, forums and research centres, such as the Service Research Center (CTF). For more about our institutions and subjects, see here.


The Faculty of Health, Science and Technology is organised in five departments for education and research and an overarching unit for administration. The faculty offers a broad range of programmes and a great number of courses. At the faculty there are 400 employees and more than 700 students. Research is conducted both in traditional academic subjects and in several multidisciplinary research environments. Many projects focus on the transformation of the present economic/technical culture which is based on consumption of non-renewable resources to a bioeconomy based on circularity of environment-friendly renewable resources. For more about our institutions and subjects, see here.

An Inclusive Workplace

As a university and public authority, our operations are founded on the principle that everyone, irrespective of gender or background, has the same rights, obligations and opportunities to shape their own lives and communities. This applies to staff, students and our community partnerships. We make concerted efforts to ensure that this principle is realised and observed. Part of our mandate as a university and knowledge disseminator involves promoting equity, fairness and diversity – and this task starts in our own workplace. As an example of this, we promote an inclusive workplace by providing training to all directors and heads in the areas of equity and equal opportunities, and by conducting systematic salary reviews to ensure fair pay. The goal is a work environment where employees and students feel at home, committed and included, which is fundamental for health.


Karlstad University works actively to offer a university with a good equality profile, characterised by quality and fairness. We always strive for our staff to be treated equally and fairly, and not discriminated against or subjected to offensive behavior based on gender or gender identity. All genders or gender identities have equal employment conditions for equal or equivalent work.

Working conditions for all genders are equal, as are their opportunities for development and promotion. We aim to have equal ender distribution, both among staff in senior positions and within the various professional categories. The university currently has roughly equal numbers of men and women in senior positions.

Teaching and research staff must have a good knowledge of gender and equality issues, and must integrate the gender perspective in their teaching and research. By integrating the gender perspective in teaching and research, teachers and researchers can help students understand how to influence opportunities, roles and expectations in society, and provide them with an understanding that this is a human rights issue.


A good work life balance is an important factor for performance. We want to give all staff the best possible opportunities to combine work, leisure and family through holiday agreements, flexible working hours and pay supplements to those on parental leave. Health and wellness allowance, massage and exercise are further benefits promoting wellbeing on and outside of work.

Support from the University

Moving is a big upheaval – both for yourself and for your partner/family moving with you. The university wants to make moving as smooth and positive a process for everyone involved. Karlstad University staff may be reimbursed for the cost of moving to Karlstad or Arvika. Reimbursement applies to the removal of household goods by a moving company, as well as travelling costs for yourself and your family. When you move after commencing your employment at the university, you are entitled to one day’s paid leave to move.


Special relocation support can be available for new Karlstad University staff members and their families and/or partners, if applicable. Before moving to Karlstad, you can email or book a digital meeting with the department’s HR specialist who will assist you with issues related to relocation.

Upon arrival, you are introduced to your contact at the HR Office. Once per semester, there is a guided tour of Karlstad, to which you and your family are invited.


Giving accompanying partners opportunities to make the best of their new situation is an important success factor to thrive in a new country/city. Karlstad University therefore offers the opportunity for your partner to take part in a programme which is offered once every semester. The programme is a cooperation between universities in Sweden and consists of workshops introducing participants to the Swedish labour market, how to apply for a job, intercultural communication and other interesting topics. It is important to note that Karlstad University is unable to guarantee work offers, but we do our best to help you develop a successful job-hunting strategy.


Moving can be an upheaval – both for yourself and for your partner/family moving with you. The university wants to make moving as smooth and positive a process for everyone involved. Karlstad University staff may be reimbursed for the cost of moving to Karlstad or Arvika. Reimbursement applies to the removal of household goods by a moving company, as well as travelling costs for yourself and your family. When you move after commencing your employment at the university, you are entitled to one day’s paid leave to move.


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