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LMU Faculty of Biology

Useita sijainteja Planegg, Saksa
München, Saksa
Vieraile verkkosivulla

Tietoja työnantajasta

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München is a leading research university in Europe. Since its founding in 1472 it has been committed to the highest international standards of excellence in research and teaching. 

LMU, Munich and the world

Research, teach or study in Munich, in the heart of Europe! Munich is one of the major seats of knowledge and learning in Germany and one of Europe's foremost centers for research and education, technology and the media. LMU cooperates with 600 partners on all five continents. And LMU is also cosmopolitan at home: people from more than 130 countries study, teach and research together on campus.

Ludwig-Maximilians-University Ranking 

Once again in 2021, the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München holds a top position in the World Reputation Ranking of the Times Higher Education Magazine, where the LMU appears in place 32. Accordingly, LMU is among the most renowned universities in Europe. The World Reputation Ranking evaluates the reputation of a university in teaching and research by consulting renowned scientists from all over the world.

About the Faculty of Biology

The Faculty of Biology is ranked among the top biology and biochemistry educational institutions in Germany. Together with the Faculty of Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Pharmacy, LMU Gene Center and the Klinikum der Universtität München (KUM), they belong to the HighTechCampusLMU in Grosshadern-Martinsried that is well-known for international state-of-the-art research in life sciences. The participating research groups often collaborate with the adjacent Max-Planck Institutes for Biochemistry and Neurobiology and with the German Research Center for Environmental Health (Helmholtz Zentrum München). With its numerous large research networks and excellent programmes for the training of young scientists, the Faculty of Biology combines top research and excellence in teaching.

Academic Strengths

The Faculty of Biology maintains the following wide range of interdisciplinary fields:

More than 60 research groups, internationally recognized for their innovative research approaches and technologies, form the core Faculty of Biology. Using state-of-the-art approaches, these groups aim to answer essential questions relevant to basic and applied biological and biochemical research. Within their own research group or in collaboration with a specialized research group on campus, LMU members are given the opportunity to learn and command a variety of techniques.

Core Facilities

The following core facilities are maintained at the Faculty of Biology:

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