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St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences

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A propos de l'employeur

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St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences was founded in 1996 and currently has appr. 3,000 enrolled students. Study opportunities comprise degree programmes and continuing education courses in the fields of Health & Social Sciences, Business and Technology. St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences offers students a vocationally oriented and academically sound training that prepares them to meet the challenges of the professional world. Each course combines a solid grounding in the subjects with a specialisation, ensuring that graduates are equipped to fulfil a variety of professional tasks in their future careers. Alongside they acquire additional training in e.g. business administration, law, foreign languages, and interpersonal skills. Students can choose to acquire international certificates (e.g. Cisco, Microsoft, Cambridge). Work placements ensure that they gain hands-on experience in the workplace even before graduation. Teaching is by lectures, laboratory work and small tutorial groups. The lecturers strive to give optimal support and promote practical work and team projects. Among the facilities of the university are a library, state-of-the art video, computer, network and multimedia laboratories and satellite equipment. The Campus Media - radio, TV and a magazine - provide opportunities for students from all disciplines to acquire excellent media and communications skills.

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