Valitse alueesi

Valitse alue, joka parhaiten vastaa sijaintiasi tai mieltymyksiäsi.

Valitse sivuston kieli

Tämä asetus hallitsee käyttöliittymän kieltä, mukaan lukien painikkeet, valikot ja kaikki sivuston tekstit. Valitse haluamasi kieli parhaan selauskokemuksen saamiseksi.

Valitse kielet työpaikkailmoituksille

Valitse kielet työpaikkailmoituksille, jotka haluat nähdä. Tämä asetus määrittää, mitkä työpaikkailmoitukset näytetään sinulle.


University of Bergen

Vieraile verkkosivulla

Tietoja työnantajasta

The University of Bergen is a young, modern university. Most of its premises are concentrated in the heart of the city of Bergen. There are about 14,500 students enrolled, and 3,200 faculty and staff. Read more.


The University's academic landscape is characterised by its great variety and breadth. Six faculties cover most of the traditional university disciplines. Within the faculties are included 60 different specialised departments, centres and institutes.

  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
  • Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
  • Faculty of Psychology
  • Faculty of Social Sciences

Centres and courses

There are also an increasing number of multi-disciplinary research centres, projects and units. International students are offered master-level and doctoral training at the University of Bergen.

UiB Internationally

The University of Bergen is constantly interfacing with the international environment in order to expand its borders and to explore the world. It is heavily involved in international co-operation in research and education. The university has signed bilateral agreements with universities, research institutions and academic centres of excellence in all parts of the world. UiB is also committed to co-operating with developing countries and has established programmes with universities in Third World Countries in the areas of health, poverty, and resource management. The University is engaged in the European Union's Framework programmes for research and technological development and has been designated as a European Research Infrastructure and a Research Training Site in several scientific fields.

Työnantajan sijainti

Löydä samanlaisia työnantajia

OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University Norja 19 avointa työpaikkaa
University of Agder (UiA) Norja 9 avointa työpaikkaa
BI Norwegian Business School Norja 8 avointa työpaikkaa
VID Specialized University Norja 4 avointa työpaikkaa
Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) Ås, Norja 1 avointa työpaikkaa
Lisää työnantajia

Kiinnostavia artikkeleita

Cracking the Code on Computing Education Free University of Bozen - Bolzano 4 min arvioitu lukuaika
Speeding Up DNA Analysis With String Algorithms Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) 4 min arvioitu lukuaika
Conserving Coral Reefs: The Backbone of Marine Biodiversity NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research 4 min arvioitu lukuaika
The Tiny Algae That Fuel The Marine Food Chain NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research 4 min arvioitu lukuaika
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